Email Error Code

Error ‘457 – This Key is Already Associated with an Element of this Collection’

This error often appears if you install GroupMail Version 5.3.0116 in Spanish or any other language except English.

Sometimes, it appears when you go through the process of creating a new group — When you go to Groups, New Group, GroupMail Format (Default), Next, Local Group, Next. This is where the Error ‘457 – This key is already associated with an element of this collection’ appears.

We believe the reason this error occurs because, in foreign language versions of GroupMail, there is no ‘Date Type” field in the default Group Structure, unlike the English Edition, where an AddDate Field is automatically added as “Date Type”.

Solution for Error ‘457 – This Key is Already Associated with an Element of this Collection’

Download the latest version of GroupMail from the GroupMail Customers Area.

A workaround for this error if you do not have access to download the latest version of GroupMail is to

1. “Remove” all fields from the Group Structure when creating a group; then

2. Press the Default button on the Group Structure screen to add them again; then

3. Add a Date Type Field; and

4. Create the new Group

If you continue to have problems, contact the GroupMail support team.

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