Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) is an easy-to-use, cost-effective email solution for applications.

If you don’t have an Amazon SES account yet then you can follow the steps here to get started:

Once you have your Amazon SES account you can then enter your new Mail Server details to GroupMail and start sending your Newsletters.

SMTP Server:
Authentication:  (Use your Amazon created UserName and Password)
SMTP Port number:  465
SSL:  Yes (Use DirectSSL).

1)   First, add your user information, specifying how you want to identify yourself to your recipients and add your Amazon SES registered email address . The content in the Name and Organization fields is what will appear in the From field of your emails. You can leave the Organization field blank. If you do put something here, it will appear (in parentheses) after the content that you have in the Name field.
** The “Email address” and “Reply-to address” you use must be verified by Amazon SES.

Amazon SES Account


2)   Enter the Amazon SES email settings for the SMTP mail server address (, check the “Requires Authentication” box and click Setup. You can also set the number of delivery connections and delivery pauses on this screen.  ** Please check your Amazon account for number of allowed connections and delivery rate as it may vary depending on their customers account type.  The default connection settings in GroupMail is a good start however.

Amazon SES Account


3)   Check the “Use SMTP Authentication (outbound)” box, keeping the default AUTH LOGIN type and enter the UserName and Password that Amazon created for you. Then, click OK and you’ll go back to the Delivery Options tab.

Amazon SES Account


4)   Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the Delivery Options tab and change the SMTP Port from the default 25 to 465 and check the “Server requires an SSL connection” box.  Choose to use “Direct SSL” as the SSL connection type.  Click OK.

Amazon SES Account


That’s all there is to it!.

* Make sure that you click OK at the bottom of the Delivery Options screen to save your settings when you are done. You can always go back to modify any of these settings.


NOTE: Amazon set a sending limit of 10,000 Emails in a 24 hour period initially for all new users but will increase that limit over time based on you having a good sending reputation.  You and also send an increase limit request here.

You can check your sending limits at any time by using the AWS Management Console.

Amazon say:  If your email is detected to be of poor or questionable quality (e.g., high complaint rates, high bounce rates, spam, or abusive content), Amazon SES might temporarily or permanently reduce your permitted send volume, or take other action as AWS deems appropriate.

As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team.

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