If you have an AT&T Yahoo account, you can configure GroupMail mailing list software to send email through the AT&T Yahoo outgoing SMTP mail server.

Alright, let’s face it; AT&T certainly complicates email settings with the variety of SMTP mail servers and settings under their umbrella. Whenever a customer calls with a configuration problem and tells me that they are sending through AT&T, I take a deep breath and prepare myself for battle. Some of the SMTP mail servers under the AT&T umbrella include:

– smtp.pacbell.yahoo.com
– smtp.sbcglobal.yahoo.com
– smtp.prodigy.yahoo.com
– smtp.swbell.yahoo.com
– smtp.ameritech.yahoo.com

But, confusion aside…

Here are the AT&T Yahoo Email Settings

SMTP Server Address: smtp.att.yahoo.com
SMTP Port Number (outgoing): 465 w/SSL checked
SMTP Authentication: Yes, use SMTP AUTH (outbound) with your AT&T email and password

How many emails can I send with the AT&T Yahoo outgoing SMTP mail server?

If you have any problems configuring GroupMail to send email through your AT&T Yahoo or any other outgoing SMTP mail server, contact GroupMail support .

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