“”Where can I change the SMTP Port Number for the Outgoing Mail Server ?..””

Many outgoing SMTP mail servers use Port 25 to relay messages to your recipients. Sometimes, however, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) block Port 25 or your domain mail server provider requests that you use an alternate SMTP Port to process your messages. Comcast, for example, uses either Port 465 or Port 587. Gmail uses the same alternate Ports.

Here are instructions for changing the outgoing SMTP Port settings in GroupMail.

1. Open GroupMail and click on Tools/Account Manager and click “Modify” after highlighting the account you wish to edit.

Change SMTP Port

2. Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the Delivery Options screen.

Change SMTP Port

3. Here, you can change the outgoing and incoming Port numbers and also enable SSL encryption (which some mail servers like Comcast and Gmail require)

Change SMTP Port

4. Click OK and then OK again on the account properties screen to exit and save your changes.

That’s all there is to it !

As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team

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