If you have an email account with Verizon, you can configure GroupMail mass email software with the Verizon email settings below to send your newsletters and other group emails through the Verizon SMTP outgoing mail server.

Here are the Verizon Email Settings for GroupMail

1. First, add your user information, specifying how you want to identify yourself to your recipients and add your Verizon email address and the email address where you want replies to be sent. The content in the Name and Organization fields is what will appear in the From field of your emails. You can leave the Organization field blank. If you do put something here, it will appear (in parentheses) after the content that you have in the Name field.

Verizon Settings

2. Click the Delivery Options tab and enter the Verizon SMTP mail server address (outgoing.verizon.net), check the “Requires Authentication” box and click Setup. You can also set the number of delivery connections and delivery pauses on this screen.

Verizon Settings

3. Check the “Use SMTP Authentication (outbound)” box, keeping the default AUTH LOGIN type and enter your full Verizon email address and password that are associated with your Verizon account. Then, click OK and you’ll go back to the Delivery Options tab.

Verizon Settings

4. Click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the Delivery Options tab and change the SMTP Port from the default 25 to 587. It is also a good idea to add a custom domain while you are on this Advanced screen. For Verizon, the custom SMTP domain would simply be verizon.net. Click OK.

Verizon Settings

That’s all there is to it.

* Make sure that you click OK at the bottom of the Delivery Options screen to save your settings when you are done. You can always go back to modify any of these settings.

** Mail servers make changes at times. If you experience any problems with these settings, contact Verizon and ask them to confirm the SMTP settings that they want you to use.

For more information about sending email through the outgoing Verizon SMTP mail server, read Email Sending Limits for ISP, Web Hosting and Free Email Providers.


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