With the introduction of GDPR on May 25th 2018, businesses will be required to get consent from all individuals within the EU, to hold and use their personally identifiable information (PII). We recommend using recommend double-opt-in to obtain consent, and explain why, how and where the subscriber’s data will be held.



The content of this web page is a commentary on the GDPR, as Groupmail interprets it, as of the date of publication. We’ve spent a lot of time with GDPR and like to think we’ve been thoughtful about its intent and meaning. But the application of GDPR is highly fact-specific, and not all aspects and interpretations of GDPR are well-settled.

As a result, this content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice or to determine how GDPR might apply to you and your organisation. We encourage you to work with a legally qualified professional to discuss GDPR, how it applies specifically to your organisation, and how best to ensure compliance.


Groupmail Insights

Groupmail Insights is Groupmail’s Online Subscription Service for managing Opt-In and Opt-Outs Requests.

Assuming you have a Groupmail Insights Accounts, you can Logon to your Account and create an Opt-In Form for your recipients to sign up through.


If you don’t already have a Groupmail Insights Account, you can sign up for one, there are many different levels to choose from all of which fully support Double Opt-In.


Once logged in Click on Subscribers. [This will list all your GroupMail Subscription Forms, where you have enabled ‘Subscription Services’ on your Groups. This can only be done within the GroupMail Application at the point of creating the Group or after it is created by right clicking on the Group and selecting Modify].

Click on the List Name for more details about your Subscription Form and the option to Edit the text that will appear on it.
Here you can configure what your ‘Subscribe’ Form will say and what data it will collect.
Note: If you leave fields blank it will use the default values.


By default the Groupmail Insights uses Double Opt-In and when a subscriber signs-up, they are sent a confirmation link from Groupmail Insights asking them to confirm their subscription.
In the field “Email Confirm (Pre Link):” above is where you can enter the text to appear on that message.
It is here where you should explain why, how and where the subscriber’s data will be held and that by clicking this link the Subscriber is giving their consent to help comply with GDPR Compliance
The text that you enter here is entirely up to you, here is an Example :


Click on the Embed Tab. The “Form Embed Code” is what you need to use to place the Opt-In Form on your Website.
(Your Website Administrator can do this for you).


If you click on “Preview” you can see how this Opt-In Form displays.


Once a Subscriber enters their details and clicks on the ‘Subscribe’ Button, they will see a confirmation message on the screen.


Before the Subscriber is added to your GroupMail Group they must complete the Subscription process by clicking on the Subscription Link within the email they recieve (double opt-in). They will recieve an email similar to this once they subscribe.


When the Subscriber Clicks on the Subscription Link above, they will recieve confirmation that their subscription request has been confirmed. If they do not click on the confirmation link in the email, their details are not added.


Finally, once the Subscriber Add-On is processed, it will automatically add the recipients that Subscribe through this Form to your GroupMail Group.

If you have any questions or need any help please don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team.

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