“…How can I make an image in my message a hyperlink so that when someone clicks the image it takes them to my website?…”
In the Message Editor in GroupMail, right-click on the Image that you have inserted into your Message then go Image Properties.
Under Image Options, Hyperlink: From the drop down menu select //
Next enter the URL that you want this Hyperlink to go to.
In this example I have entered //group-mail.com (you need to enter the URL that you wish to open when someone clicks on this image here please).
* When your message is received and someone clicks on this Image it will bring them to the URL that you have entered above.
** It’s a good idea to get in the habit of adding some alternate text to images as well. This way, if an email client blocks an image for some reason, the descriptive text for the image will still show in the message.
Another method of doing this is via the Insert Menu on the Message Editor, Hyperlink Menu option and then following the same steps.
As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team