Can I specify a Return Email for all Bounced Emails to go to ?

Yes you certainly can!

To enable this feature in GroupMail.
Go to the Tools Menu, Account Manager.
Modify your existing Account or create a New one.
Go to the Delivery Options Tab.

Return Path

Click on the Advanced Button here.

Return Path

In the field “Return-Path Address:” enter the Return Email Address that you want any Undeliverable/Bounce Back Message returned to.

Note: It is important to point out that not all Mail Servers you relay through will accept a custom Return-Path.
Given this, there will be cases where the Bounced\Undeliverable Messages will simply go back to the From Email Address.

You can now configure our Subscriber Add-On to Process these undeliverable messages for you.

As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team

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