“..How do I Connect GroupMail to a MySQL Database?..”

There are three main steps involved in connecting your GroupMail Group to a MySQL Database, we will step through each one now.

1. Install MYODBC

MySQL provide their own ODBC driver which you need to install on your Microsoft Windows Operating System first. The Driver that you download needs to be the 32 bit version as GroupMail is a 32 bit application.
You can find steps on installing the 32 bit driver here.

2. Create a MySQL Data Source Name
The ‘ODBC Data Source Administrator’ application is used to create the MySQL DSN. To run this application go to your Start Menu.
Choose Run and type odbcad32 then press Enter.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Click on the Add Button.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Select the MySQL Driver from the list and press Finish.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Enter the Data Source Name, Description and all other details for your MySQL Database.
Then press the Test button to ensure the details are correct.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Press Ok to return to the ODBC Data Source Administrator screen.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

That’s that part done.. onto step 3.

3. Create a GroupMail Group and Link to your MySQL Database

In GroupMail, go to Groups, New Group.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Select ‘External Database – Recipients information is retrieved from an external Database’. Next.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Click on New to create a New Database Connection. Next.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Enter a Descriptive Name for the Database Connection.

Then click on the Wizard Button.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers. Next.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Select the Data Source Name that you configured previously.
Note: The User Name, Password and initial catalog are already specified in the Data Source Name, there is no need to specify again.

Click on the Test Connection Button to confirm these settings are correct.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Press Ok.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Select Dynamic as the Cursor Type and then Press Ok.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

The Database Connection is now displayed. Next.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

We would recommend creating a Query on your MySQL Database itself which returns the recipients you want in GroupMail.
Then by selecting the option “Specify records using SQL”.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

You can simply enter “Select * from QueryName
[where “QueryName” is the name of the Query saved in the MySQL Database].

Select the Field in your Database that contains the recipients Email Address. Next.

GroupMail and MySQL Database

Finally specify your Group Name.

Once created you can then view your MySQL Database in GroupMail!

As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team.

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