“I use Microsoft Outlook to manage my email list. Can I link GroupMail to my Outlook Address Book or do I have to export my Outlook contacts as a .csv file to import into GroupMail?”

Yes. GroupMail Business Edition customers can link a GroupMail group to an Outlook Address Book. The benefit of doing this is that you will only need to maintain one mailing list. Any changes made to your Outlook Address Book will automatically be reflected in GroupMail.

How to link GroupMail to your Outlook Address Book

1. Open GroupMail and click on Groups/New Group

2. Choose the third option ‘Address Book – Use Contacts from your existing Address Book’,
then click Next

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

3. A list of available Address Books will be displayed. Select Outlook Address Book, then click Next

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

4. Select the first option ‘Use the Default Address Book for the Format you have Selected’,
then click Next

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

5 Select the option ‘Use the Entire Address Book’, then click Next

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

6. Specify the Categories for the recipients that you wish to view in your GroupMail Group
(i.e. Business; Suppliers) then press Next.

GroupMail Linking to Outlook Address Book

7. Now, enter a Group Name (i.e. Marketing Contacts).
Then press Create to create the new group.

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

8. You should now see your new Group (i.e. Marketing Contacts) listed on your Groups screen.
Notice the Type is Address Book.

GroupMail Linking to Outlook

Now, you are ready to send messages to your Outlook contacts from GroupMail.

Some important points to note

1. The Address Book must be on your local computer and not on an Exchange Server.

2. Any changes made to your Outlook Address Book will automatically be reflected in GroupMail.

3. You cannot edit, add or remove contacts from GroupMail. All changes to the group are accomplished from within Outlook.

4. Address Book linking is only supported by the GroupMail Business Edition. GroupMail Personal Edition customers will need to export their Outlook contacts as a .csv file and then import that file into GroupMail.

If you have any questions, contact the GroupMail Support Team

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