“Is there any easy way to update recipient details in all of my email groups at the same time?”



If you want to update recipient details in all your groups at the same time, you can follow these simple steps.

1. On the Groups screen, open any group.

2. Then, click on the Search button.

Update all GroupMail Recipients at one time

3. Here you can search on any of the fields within your group, then update that field (e.g. Email Address, First Name, Last Name etc.)

In the example below, we are going to search on Email Address where it Equals techsupport@group-mail.com

By checking on the option “Also Search all Similar Groups” – it will now search all my available Groups for this email address.

It will then return the Results.

4. Now to Update this email address across all groups, click on the Tools Button.

Update all GroupMail Recipients at one time

5. Click on the Update Tab at the top of the screen.  It will list the ‘Current Email Address‘ and directly below it will allow you to enter the updated Email Address in the “Change To” Field.

It also allows you to ‘Update in selected Group only‘ or ‘Update in all Groups found’.

By selecting the option to ‘Update in all groups found’ this recipients Email Address will be updated as soon as you press the ‘Change‘ Button.

Update all GroupMail Recipients at one time

6. Once the update has completed it returns the number of recipients that were successfully updated.


Congratulations! You have successfully updated  your recipients in All Groups.

If you have any questions, or need any help along the way, contact the GroupMail Support Team.

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