I’m freaking out! Every time I go to send this months newsletter, the newsletter from last month starts to send, and it won’t stop. I’m pulling my hair out.
— Roxy, a very frustrated GroupMail customer
I understand Roxy. That must be so frustrating. It sounds like the campaign from last month is stuck in your mail queue and keeps trying to send every time you try to send a new group email.
— Tom, a cool and collected GroupMail guy
That’s exactly what it’s like! Can I make it stop?
— Roxy, a hopeful, but still somewhat anxious GroupMail customer
Follow the instructions below. That should resolve the problem and delete email that is stuck in the queue. Let us know how you get on.
— Tom, a relaxed, professional GroupMail guy
That rocks! You rock! GroupMail rocks!
— Roxy, a happy GroupMail customer
How to delete email from queue on Windows XP computers
1. Using Windows Explorer go to Tools/ Folder Options/View. Under “Hidden Files and Folders”, check on the Option “Show Hidden Files and Folders”.
2. Close GroupMail and the Delivery Console [right click on it in your system tray and select Exit, or click CTRL+ALT+DEL and end any tasks for GroupMail or the Delivery Console]
3. Now, using Windows Explorer go to : C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Infacta\Group Mail and delete all of the gmsend.* files (don’t delete the gmsent.* files)
4. There is also an item in the GM.dat file which you should remove. The GM (.DAT) File is also located in the same C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Infacta\GroupMail folder. You can open it by double clicking on the file. It will open in Notepad. (if you get a window with an option to select a program to open the file please choose that option and then choose Notepad from the list).
Go to the section toward the bottom of the file, marked:
[Delivery Console]
So it should look like this:
[Delivery Console]
Current Job=
5. Save this file and close.
6. Now shut down your PC [turn it off] and restart it.
How to delete email from queue on Windows Vista and Windows 7
1. Open click on Organize –> Folder and Search Options –> View tab. Under Advanced settings: heading, Files and Folders –> Hidden files and folders –> Select Show hidden files and folders.
2. Close GroupMail and the Delivery Console [right click on it in your system tray and select Exit or click CTRL+ALT+DEL and end any task for GroupMail or the Delivery Console]
3. Now, using Windows Explorer go to : C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Infacta\GroupMail and delete all of the gmsend.* files please. (Again, please don’t delete the gmsent.* files)
4. There is also an item in the GM.dat file which you should remove. The GM (.DAT) File is also located in the C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Infacta\GroupMail folder. You can open it by double clicking on the file, it will open in Notepad (if you get a window with an option to select a program to open the file please choose that option and then choose Notepad from the list).
Go to the section toward the bottom of this file, marked:
[Delivery Console]
So it should look like:
[Delivery Console]
Current Job=
5. Save this file and close.
6. Restart your PC.
That is all there is to it. Your queue will be clear and you can resume sending without any problems.
As always, if you have any questions or need some help along the way, don’t hesitate to contact our technical support team.
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