Hotmail inbox delivery rates may decline as a result of recent changes made to the Hotmail antispam filters, which are now set to scrutinize even opt-in email newsletter and email marketing messages sent from legitimate senders.


As part of a recent war on graymail, Hotmail has established some new hurdles for getting email delivered to the inbox, even if that email is sent as fulfillment to an opt-in newsletter or email marketing subscription. One of the new criteria for Hotmail inbox delivery is that all newsletter and email marketing messages must include a list-unsubscribe email header in their messages, even if there is already an unsubscribe link somewhere else in the message.

…Newsletter and email marketing messages WITHOUT a list-unsubscribe email header will be permanently sent to the Hotmail spam folder…”

How to add a list-unsubscribe email header and improve email delivery to the Hotmail inbox

For more information about these changes, and for instructions on how to add a list-unsubscribe email header to your next newsletter or email marketing message, read How do I add a list-unsubscribe email header in GroupMail?


Interested? Add your own, custom list-unsubscribe email header using GroupMail’s newsletter and email marketing software.

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