How many people opened your latest email campaign?
How many people clicked on each link in your last message?
What email addresses on your list should you send a follow up email to?
With our Insights email tracking service, you can answer all of these questions and more. Insights allows you to track the open and click-through rates of your email campaigns, right down to specific email address activity. You can view reports in real time and export both professional .pdf presentations with graphs to share with your boss as well as raw data in .csv and .xml format so you can organize follow up mailings with those who either opened or clicked.
You can even share reports with clients so they can login and see their reports for themselves as the data comes in. Insights allows you to view both general reports (i.e. what percentage of recipients opened my email?) and unique data reports (what specific email addresses clicked on my purchase link?)
Are you ready to improve your email campaigns? First month is free. See pricing and editions.