Emails your subscribers cannot ignore

Emails your subscribers cannot ignore

Devising a marketing campaign which your subscribers – and the general public – cannot ignore, is the Holy Grail. By Rob Martin.


Since man first pressed the send icon on an electronic mail the pursuit has become constant. I mean it can’t be that difficult surely?! Just throw in the vital buzzwords ‘Win’ and ‘Free’ then watch your subscribers race through the virtual door right? Wrong. Its far more complex, nuanced and a promotional e-mail structure which worked five years ago might find its way into the thrash at record speed today.

So, if constructing a marketing e-mail what should you include? Here’s five e-mail marketing tips which should make recipients click to open.


1. Sharing is caring – make your email interactive

Text heavy e-mails may have worked in the past but now it’s all about what’s pleasing on the eye. Including an interactive element on your mail, where the recipient clicks to move to the next image or offer, means they’re participating in the marketing strategy rather than just sitting back glaring over it with little interest. The trick though is not to overdo it. Keeping your e-mail bright and engaging works……turning it into an online version of the New Year’s Eve fireworks doesn’t!


2. Personally speaking……

As subscribers have already proactively signed up to receiving e-mails its now best practice to personalise your messages to them in return. Content can be personalised to each subscriber based off the data you have about them. This can relate to their activity with your business over the last year, perhaps regarding the value of goods or services they’ve bought or even the amount of times they’ve visited your website. Consumers like to have that dynamic personal approach and it represents something of a two-way relationship.


3. First impressions count

We’ve all been there right? You’ve just signed up to a new website, sent a query or purchased a product for the first time and bing – you receive a welcome message thanking you for your custom and perhaps advising you of similar great offers to that just enquired about or purchased. Immediately there’s a feeling that this company values its subscribers and customers and that it has a strong online presence. That automated welcome message could be worth its weight in gold – the crazy thing is that so many companies still don’t use them!


4. Nobody wears the same outfit two nights in a row!

Okay so you’ve had a successful email marketing campaign and the levels of engagement hit new heights. The temptation then is to replicate the same structure, pitch and format for your next campaign. But be aware your subscribers will quickly get tired and diminishing returns are likely. So keep things fresh. By all means maintain successful elements of a campaign but beware of overkill.


5. The world’s mobile – and your emails should be too

It’s now estimated that between 55 and 70% of emails are opened via mobile devices. A whopping 75% of Gmail users access their accounts via mobile devices. Incredibly though many email marketing formats are designed specifically for laptop or desktops computers. If you want to reach all you must make sure your emails can be seen by everyone. Emails may be considered a ‘traditional’ form of online marketing but that doesn’t mean the end product should be dated in any way.

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